The days both me and my husband work from home we have to fight for the only office space / studio we have. On this day, clearly I lost ... Luckily I had some four legged support!
Last week my mother and I took a day trip to the mountains outside Santa Barbara, California. While we were in a quaint book store, my mother bought a birthday card for a friend, the inside of which suggested that the recipient “Go set the world on fire”—a proposal that stuck with me long after we left the shop. Days later I heard it echo inside my head, and I started to ask myself why the words kept coming back.
After having been enormously enthusiastic about the new project with my website, music, and blog, I was surprised when I felt negativity trickle in this past week. After publishing my first post, I started to second-guess myself. While it seems pretty normal to have such a reaction to a new venture, I realized why the quote from the birthday card hadn’t left my mind. “Go set the world on fire” was the exact mantra I needed to gain back my confidence. It reminded me to follow my passion. It reminded me to be courageous enough to present what I write and play, even if I’m afraid of what other people might think. It reminded me to be determined and not give up too early. It reminded me not to leave things half done simply to “escape” to the next idea.
I’m fascinated by the unexpected and ordinary ways messages can reach us, and I’m convinced that we can find an enormous amount of wisdom in the midst of our everyday life. When we really pay attention to what catches our eyes, or ears, to our reoccurring thoughts, or to the songs we hum, we might be able to detect a message directed to us. It could be words of comfort, encouragement, inspiration, or maybe an answer to something we’ve been wondering about. Since we’re not always reflecting so much upon what passes through our consciousness, this ‘everyday guidance’ is easily dismissed, or overlooked. However, what seems to be insignificant might actually be of great importance.
For a lot of us, Monday morning is associated with work and the grind of every day life. The most ordinary day can be exciting, though, if we’re just a tiny bit observant— what seems to happen by chance might not always be a coincidence… Happy Monday!
Do a Little Soul-Searching…
1. Can you think of any reoccurring thoughts you’ve been having lately? What kind of guidance, or message could actually be hidden in those thoughts?
2. Today, be extra observant of what catches your eyes and ears. Can you discern a message directed to you?
3. Do any other thought or insights appear?